「2021年第27屆智慧運輸世界大會」將於2021年10月11~15日在德國漢堡會展中心舉行,大會主題:Experience Future Mobility Now。
今年「ITS台灣館」也將規劃大型形象贊助牆,提供會員贊助露出機會,Premier Sponsors:新台幣20萬元、Gold Sponsors:10萬元,邀請大家熱情參與。
因應新冠肺炎,歐盟最新入境規定,入境14天前須完成認證疫苗完整接種,本會建議接種疫苗時間表如下: (依歐盟最新入境規定為準)
疫苗種類 |
建議施打日期 |
建議施打日期 |
預計出國時間 |
* AZ |
7月23日前 |
9月23日前 |
10月7日 |
*Moderna 莫德納 |
8月25日前 |
9月23日前 |
*輝瑞/BNT |
8月25日前 |
9月23日前 |
*Janssen嬌生 |
只須一劑 |
ITS World Congress: Registration Now Open | New Partner On Board
Green light for the ITS Community to meet!
'This week, the City of Hamburg said all trade fairs could go-ahead in the city as long as the appropriate safety concept was in place. This is good news for the Nordstil event taking place on 24 to 26 July 2021 in the City's exhibition centre. This is timely as the Board of ERTICO has just reaffirmed their commitment to being face-to-face again at the ITS World Congress in October! Personally, I can't wait!'
Jacob Bangsgaard, CEO ERTICO - ITS Europe
ERTICO and Hamburg open registrations for a face-to-face ITS World Congress 2021
The ERTICO Supervisory Board of Partners together with the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg reaffirm their commitment to host the ITS World Congress as a face-to-face event and formally open registrations today.
‘The decision made by the ERTICO Partnership and by the City of Hamburg, reflects our excitement, growing certainty and confidence that the ITS community can be together again face-to-face in October. ERTICO is greatly looking forward to Experience Future Mobility Now with the host city of Hamburg and together we are preparing an exceptional event that reflects this forward thinking. The range of contributions to the Congress Programme, the commitment made by Congress Partners and 300 exhibitors express the confidence that academics and industry have in the ITS World Congress. We are thrilled to open up registrations and look forward to seeing you in Hamburg,’ says Jacob Bangsgaard, CEO of ERTICO – ITS Europe.
‘The entire ITS Community, the people in and around Hamburg, and everyone who is interested in mobility can look forward to a unique ITS World Congress that features many innovations and future-oriented projects. We are gearing up to ensure a safe and secure event for all participants, speakers, and exhibitors,’ says Harry Evers, Managing Director, ITS World Congress Hamburg
As well as an official Opening Ceremony with inspirational guests, there is a lot to look forward to. With interesting sessions already established in the Programme, three Plenaries, Global Forums on both MaaS and Freight & Logistics, the ITS World Congress in Hamburg will offer stakeholders and the ITS community the ultimate platform to experience the most recent innovations and networking opportunities. Additional key activities include 47 demonstrations, 20 technical visits and 4 Hamburg tours, as well as an extensive start-up programme. The Congress will showcase the latest ITS achievements from Hamburg and the region in line with its strategic plan for mobility, giving a keen insight into the available business possibilities in the region.
Book your ticket now here!
Welcome Continental! Smart mobility at its heart for 150 years
Continental develop pioneering solutions, services and technologies for the smart, automated and sustainable mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent, and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. Based on 150 years of experience, the company is shaping future mobility with its know-how and solutions. Continental believes that reducing accidents, traffic congestion and emissions, the quality of life will be increased for everyone.
'By offering a platform to demonstrate and experience mobility solutions as well as to foster exchange among industries, start-ups, regulators and academia the ITS World Congress is addressing challenges and is actively contributing to overcome them. It is for exactly this reason Continental has been a supporter of the ITS World Congress for many years,' says Helmut Matschi, Member of the Continental Executive Board and Head of the Business Area Vehicle Networking and Information.
'Focusing on smart and autonomous mobility, Continental is participating in this event to present mobility services and solutions. We want to demonstrate how collaboration across industries, with researchers and regulators is fostering innovation and driving forward smart mobility. With this year’s ITS World Congress taking place in Hamburg, Continental has the great opportunity to demonstrate the European culture of innovation and mobility expertise and drive the implementation of technologies and solutions that will benefit everyone.'
More information available here.
Copyright © ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems & Services 2021
This email was sent from ITS WorldCongress 2021, congresspr@mail.ertico.com