Dear ITS TAIWAN members,
With the advent of the autonomous vehicle and services such as ride-sharing, new players are entering the mobility arena. In Japan, one such hallmark company is Robot Taxi – a joint-venture between DeNA and ZMP.
What can be difficult is understanding how the approaches and business models of such companies differ from those of traditional OEMs.
To shed light on some of these differences, TU-Automotive sat down with Hiroshi Nakajima, Executive Officer, SVP, DeNA Co.,Ltd. CEO/Member of the Board, Robot Taxi, Inc. You can get your complimentary copy of the interview here:
In this interview, Mr. Nakajima talks about validation testing in Fujisawa, the autonomous cars they’re developing, and also about the challenges between now and 2020 and how monetization is changing. Understand an internet company’s perspective on how new forms of car can recreate the mobility market.
If this content fit with your business interests, take a look at our Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS Japan conference (July 11-12, Westin Tokyo). Mr Nakajima will speak at the event, along with other expert speakers from Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Bosch, Continental, Pioneer, Hitachi, HERE, Japanese Government, Nagoya University and more.
Please see the website for details:
Intelligent Transportation Society of Taiwan Special discount:
The conference early bird discount price (JPY50,000 OFF) is available until 20th May. On top of this, ITS-Taiwan members are eligible for a further JPY10,000 discount. When you go to register online just input [AJITST16] into the discount code bar.
If you have any questions or requests for TU-Automotive’s Japan conferences just drop me a line.
Best regards,
Masahide Tomonari
Japan Project Director
TU- Automotive
Tel: +44 (0) 207 375 7536
歡迎會員踴躍報名TU- Automotive系列活動:
1st annual Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS Japan 2016, July 11-12.
8th annual TU-Automotive Japan 2016, October 18-19.