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■ 智慧型運輸系統 為多領域系統與服務,所牽涉部門甚多,工作規模龐大複雜,需要各領域參與,才能確保ITS發展成功。這是因為:
1. 台灣未來的經濟成長,需要完善的交通基礎建設與運輸系統為後盾 。 2. 交通主管機關需明確的招標準則,以鼓勵民間部門的參與。 3. 政府部門需要民意的支持而頒訂對應的政策。 4. 智慧型運輸系統(ITS)的宣導及民意對ITS的建設認同。 5. 產業界需要共同穩固的規範,以利投資產品的研發。 6. 隨ITS所產生的相關服務,需要排除行政、法令上的阻礙因素。 為了達到台灣交通新境界,成立一個橫跨產、官、學、研之專責組織,以協調聯繫各部門之分工,參考美國ITS America、歐盟ERTICO及日本ITS-Japan,遂成立ITS Taiwan,以符合世界潮流所趨。
■ Intelligent Transportation System, ITS Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology and services involve a number of engineering disciplines as well as a combined effort from both the private sector and governmental agencies for achieving its goal of improving the quality of transportation services. Here in Taiwan its complicated nature and business call for a demanding and diverse range of professionals and experts to ensure its successful development for reason such as:
1. Taiwan's future economic growth relies on solid transportation infrastructures and management systems. 2. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) and related governmental agencies need procurement standards to enhance participation from the private sector for ITS deployment. 3. The government can gain support from the public through the establishment of ITS strategies. 4. The public needs to know about ITS and its benefits through a series of promotions. 5. The industry needs to have solid specifications for its product research and development. 6. The obstacles of government regulations and administrative procurements need to be removed for the provision of ITS goods and services by the private sector. Hence, in order to make strides in this area of transportation management, the Intelligent Transportation Society of Taiwan or ITS-Taiwan was established in 1998 to bring together Taiwan’s professionals and experts from industry, government, research institutes and academies dedicated to ITS, and at the same time liaison with other ITS societies around the world such as ITS America, ERTICO in Europe and ITS-Japan.