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中華智慧運輸協會(ITS TAIWAN) 已經成立將近二十年,我們成功帶動了國內智慧運輸產業的技術發展,也提升了服務品質;但是在物聯網與智慧城市蔚為主流的年代,本會肩負發展台灣智慧運輸系統的重責大任,必須與時俱進,持續向前:
依據ITS的「十年發展藍圖」,我們的使命是發展 ITS 成為台灣智慧島的骨幹產業,並且以 Taiwan Style 的ITS 構建完成UTIS (Unified Traveler Information Service)。在這樣的基本架構下,我們提出了創新便民的”5S”,包括Seamless(交通無縫)、Sharing(資訊分享)、Safe(用路安全)、Smooth(交通順暢)、Sustainable(可持續發展性)等五大理念,期盼能夠達到建立跨界合作、共通標準、綠色智慧之ITS基礎發展環境,提供民眾安心、放心、貼心之ITS有感服務。
本會未來也將進一步推動台灣ITS的產業化與國際化。配合政府投注的試點計畫,台灣各廠商也已經漸次發展成產業聚落,未來可望發展出具有世界亮點的產業與服務項目;下一部我們還要透過整體規劃,連結國內相關產業與廠商,藉由產業鏈的形成,以及整體解決方案的輸出,讓台灣產業走向國際,為帶動世界IoT物聯網與Smart City智慧城市的發展盡一份心力。
另一方面,本會也希望能夠扮演推動產官學研攜手合作的角色。因為在ITS產業化與國際化的框架下,本會需要透過國內產業界、政府部門、學術界與研究機構的共同合作,各自發揮所長,串連出更大的力量。在政府部門,我們希望擴大取得交通部等相關部會的協助;在民間團體,我們也希望ITS TAIWAN能結各學(協)會的力量,共創台灣ITS智慧運輸產業的未來。
回顧過去,感謝諸多有志先進,共同籌組了ITS TAIWAN,為台灣的智慧運輸發展,從系統到服務的推進,貢獻心力;展望未來,我們除了致力落實ITS的「十年發展藍圖」,推動產業化與國際化外,也將進一步爭取ITS世界大會的主辦權;期盼大家一同繼續努力,實現台灣成為智慧運輸島的願景。
理事長 張永昌
陽明海運股份有限公司【原招商局輪船(股)公司】資訊長、財務長 (1979-1999)
For the past 20 years that ITS Taiwan has established, the achievements in terms of technology and service in the Intelligent Transportation Systems are widely recognized. However, this is an era of IoT and Smart City. ITS Taiwan is willing to assume responsibilities and have set sights on the following for keeping up with the times.
To develop Taiwan as an ITS island and to introduce UTIS (Unified Traveler Information Service) are the targets within our 10-year roadmap. 5S Principle (Seamless Traffic, Information Sharing, Safe driving, Smooth traffic, and Sustainable model) is emphasized to achieve a collaborative industrial environment with open-standard for all citizens to enjoy the green mobility service.
ITS Taiwan is devoted to enhance the industrialization and internationalization of the industry. There has been cluster effect, and it keeps progressing with the pilot projects supported by Taiwanese government. In addition, we are dedicating more to make Taiwanese enterprises of the whole supply chain cooperate with the aim of promoting the export of “ITS Total Solution / Turnkey Projects” and the worldwide development of IoT and Smart City.
But the previous goals will not be achieved without synergy, ITS Taiwan needs to be the bridge for making concerted efforts between the Industry, Government, Academia, and Research sector. We appreciate to gain more support from the public sectors such as Ministry of Transportation & Communication etc. The collaboration with civil societies is strengthened as well. We believe all the present efforts will lead to a bright future for the ITS Industry.
It is truly appreciated for the members who established ITS Taiwan. They have made tremendous effort to make ITS industry developed not only for the systems but also the service. For the 10-year roadmap in the future, we will accelerate the industrialization and internationalization of ITS in Taiwan and bid for ITS World Congress, hence the ultimate ideal, Taiwan as an ITS Island, can be realized.
Dr. Y.C. Chang
Bachelor, Department of Transportation & Communication Management Science
Master, Graduate School of Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering), National Cheng Kung University
Ph. D, Graduate Institute of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University
Managing Director, Far-Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Co., Ltd
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute Telecommunications Management of
National Cheng Kong University
Vice President, Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (1999-2004)
CIO & CFO, Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. (1979-1999)